Australia is a great place to study. Myte’s founder and Director, Mr. Sanjoy Dhar, completed a Business Administration degree with a Western Australian university, became an Austrailan citizen and developed the dynamic enterprise which is Myte. Myte is involved in assisting student migration in different categories around Australia.

Australian universities have an international reputation for excellence in a wide range of fields. The World University Rankings for 2012–13 included 6 Australian universities in the top 100. Qualifications awarded by Australian universities are internationally recognized and highly regarded by employers and universities alike.

Technical, trade, language and other courses are also available in Australia at a very high standard.

The Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship issue a wide variety of student visas, reflecting the range of educational courses available. Often a student visa will allow a student to work up to 20 hours each week while they are progressing with their studies.

Many applications for permanent residence in Australia are enhanced by the applicant having successfully obtained a qualification in Australia. Living, studying and working in Australia could potentially assist in finding very important application sponsorship.




To work in Australia, you will need to hold a passport from your home country and an Australian visa permitting you to work. The good news is there are work visa options for those who want to permanently or temporarily work in Australia. Myte Associates can assist you to reach your desired goal if you intend to obtain a work visa and enjoy the excellent working environment in Australia.

Visa options for a Working Visa in Australia:

Working Holiday Visa

Work and Holiday Visa

Work visa

Professional visas requiring sponsorship

Sponsored Training Visas

It is always important to get your skills assessed properly according to migration standards which are sometimes a bit confusing and time consuming. Myte works closely with immigration professionals who can assist in dealing with immigration requirements at a competitive and affordable price.




Myte Associates also assists with spouse visa (both subclasses 309 and 100) matters. Myte Associates understands that it is of the utmost importance that your partner can join you in Australia as quickly as possible. We offer expert advice and have significant experience in dealing with any difficult issues that may arise when applying for one of the partner visas.




On the first September, 2007, the general skilled migration visa program was streamlined. International students should now consider the following Onshore Visa Subclasses:

Skilled – Independent (subclass 885) – this permanent visa replaces the Skilled Independent Overseas Student (subclass 880) visa

Skilled – Sponsored (subclass 886) – this permanent visa replaces the Skilled Australian Sponsored Overseas Student (subclass 881)visa.

Skilled – Graduate (subclass 485) visa – this 18 month temporary visa replaces the Graduate – Skilled (subclass 497) visa

Graduate visa holders have unrestricted work and study rights and can apply for a permanent General Skilled Migration or employer sponsored visa at any time.

Skilled – Regional Sponsored (subclass 487) visa – this 3 year provisional visa replaces the Skilled – Independent Regional (subclass 495) visa and the Skilled – Designated Area visa.

Sponsored (subclass 496) visa. Skilled – Regional Sponsored visa holders can apply for a permanent Skilled – Regional visa once they have lived for two years and worked full-time for one year in regional Australia.

Skilled – Regional (subclass 887) visa – this is a permanent visa for holders of Skilled – Regional Sponsored (subclass 487 and 475),Skilled – Independent Regional and Skilled – Designated Area-Sponsored visas and replaces the second stage Skilled – Designated Area Sponsored (subclass 883) visa and the State Territory Nominated Independent (subclass 137) visa.



Myte Associates also helps people who want to come to Australia for tourism with a tourist visa or sponsored family tourist visa.



The Parent visa allows parents to migrate to Australia permanently to join their children living in Australia. The Parent visa requires sponsorship by eligible children living in Australia. The government limits the number of Parent visas available each program year. Therefore, applicants who apply and meet the core criteria for this visa are placed in a global queue. Whilst the Australian Government recently added 4000 Parent places in the Family Migration stream, applicants are still experiencing substantial waits before being granted a visa. Applicants may choose to apply for a Contributory Parent visa where applicants or their sponsor, pay a larger application fee and an Assurance of Support bond. The waiting period for the grant of a Contributory Parent visa is much shorter.




Entertainers seeking to perform in Australia or to visit to plan a future performance, need to obtain the appropriate visa. Myte works closely with trusted immigration professionals who are able to advise on entertainment visa matters.



Myte Associates works very closely with trusted immigration professionals. Myte is confident in its ability to find the best available source of business migration advice



Level 1, 100 Havelock Street
West Perth,WA 6005
Phone – +61 8 6160 5947


Rupayan Trade Centre
114 Kaji Nazrul Avenue(6th floor)
panthapath Dhaka 1205
Phone : +88 2 8391437


F-36 East of Kalish
New Delhi -110065
Phone: +91 9654873906


9:30 AM to 6:30 PM
E-mail : info@myteassociates.com.au